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Here are a few words from my students, past & present. They give different perspectives of their training process. I feel my training plans accomodate any level of athlete.  


​When I first met Jeanette something just clicked with her.  She is an amazing athlete, woman, and role model.  I was very excited when our paths came to cross as coach and athlete. As soon as she started coaching me I loved all the new workouts and was excited every week to have new goals.  She helps me in all aspects of training from my mental state to my physical state.  She has made me believe in myself and that I can win in racing and in life.  This season I went to 2 World Championships, 2 National Championships,  pr'd in my weakest link (the swim) in Olympic distance race,  and won Regional Champion for my age group. I look forward to next season being stronger and faster.  Thank you Jeanette for being an awesome coach and mentor.

-- Erica R.


“I hired Jeanette to train for a multisport relay race with six months to race day. As a total novice to competitive running and cycling (I'd never ridden a road bike or run more than a 10K), Jeanette guided me through a weekly training plan that included running, cycling and strength training. Jeanette was knowledgeable in all three fields, especially helping me to correct my running posture. Jeanette's personal competitive accomplishments speak for themselves, but it was her ability to inspire confidence in myself, confidence that came through slowly building my strength and endurance that I was able to complete a 21 mile mountain trail run and a 52 mile alpine cycle. I could not have done it without her.”

-- Mary A.

“I joined Jeanette's training group last summer with hopes of improving my running and gaining strength after recent surgeries. Now after the completion of the group training, I look forward to continuing my training with Jeanette independently.
I had been running for many years, but never made progress. Working with Jeanette, I learned correct running form. I was introduced to varied workouts such as hills, intervals for speed and distance runs. My time and stamina improved and continues to improve.
Her weight training sessions allowed me to regain all my strength and surpass my pre-surgery abilities. My upper body strength improved drastically as Jeanette provided guided weight training workouts, increasing difficulty over time.
I never biked much before, but I am hooked now!! Jeanette's spin classes are challenging. She provides personal input and closely monitors form, something not usually seen in group instruction. In addition to learning technique from Jeanette, the other members of the class are welcoming and helpful too. It's just a lot of fun!
Recently I started swimming with Jeanette. From the first day in the pool, I learned so much. She went over stroke form and gave me exercises to help improve my strength and stamina. Swimming is much easier and I really look forward to learning more.
Although Jeanette is an elite athlete, she is always encouraging and supportive. Those of us who work with her are fortunate to benefit from her real life expertise. Whether working in a group or individually, she creates a warm, positive environment. I feel good about setting challenging goals because I feel confident Jeanette will help me attain them. Although I've worked with many trainers, I have never seen such dramatic results. She is a highly competent, kind, dedicated coach. Jeanette works well with all levels, whether you are new to working out or a serious athlete. I highly recommend Jeanette as a trainer for all people interested in improving their lifestyle through exercise!”

-- Rhonda G.


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